23 definitions by rich brown

In science fiction fandom, someone who joins an amateur press associaton, pays dues but does not contribute and thus receives a full year’s mailings without providing input or feedback. Alternatively, someone who remains a member of an apa by paying dues and meeting only the absolute minimum activity requirements, usually badly and at the last minute.
"Jim is deadwood in FAPA."
by rich brown August 11, 2004
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According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a colophon is "An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts pertinent to its publication." As is often the case, sf fans got it backward and so generally put the colophon in the front of their fanzines. Wherever it's placed, it contains the editor/publishers' names, address(es) (sometimes telephone and/or fax numbers and/or email address(es)), the name of the fanzine, the issue number, copyright notice (if any) and anything else the zine editor may want to put in it.
"The idiot forgot to put a colophon in his fanzine!"
by rich brown August 12, 2004
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