1 definition by ramber

1.A stupid person who thinks that they are just too cool for anyone else. They are pompous assholes and usually don't know what they are talking about. They hang out with other douche bags that act the same way. 2.They can easily be spotted on college campuses around the US.
3.Boys are usually wearing a pre-ripped up hat, cop sunglasses, shell or hemp necklace, Abercrombie, (pink) polo shirt with a popped collar or even better another one on top of that with 2 t-shirts underneath, ripped jeans, and my favorite some kind of sandals mostly flip-flops.
3.Girls on the other hand usually have any combination of too many high/lowlights, too much makeup, willy wonka sun glasses, lots of gaudy jewelery, Abercrombie and other douche shirts like it, ripped up jeans or jean skirts that are frayed up, those ugly baggy yoga pants, designer purses, feet tattoos, and flip-flops.
Hey Stephanie look at that douche bag out there with the popped collar and pre-ripped jeans.

Ashlee Simpson is a douche bag.

Quit being a douche and give me the 5 bucks you owe me.
by ramber January 10, 2006
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