2 definitions by qwertyuiop42

An elusive Irish forest spirit who occasionally leaves the woods to release and perform blues-rock songs. Also controls a moderately sized lesbian army.
Person 1: Hey dude, I was walking in the woods earlier and I spotted a feral Hozier in one of the treetops.
Person 2: Wow, did you get a selfie with him?
Person 1: Nah, but he did throw a guitar pick at me before scampering off
by qwertyuiop42 August 11, 2020
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When you cram a bunch of info the night before an exam, then immediately forget it all once the exam is finished
Person 1: Hey you took chem last semester right?
Person 2: yeah, why?
Person 1: Can you teach me how to solve titrations?
Person 2: nah bro, I totally did a cram and scram for that class
by qwertyuiop42 December 9, 2021
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