6 definitions by question mark

Organsmo - a film which created the popular phrase - "I am Sancho"
I watched Orgasmo and now i say "I am Sancho"
by question mark August 2, 2004
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One of the best bands in recent history. There albums Y.W.T.S and Echo Park are they best i have ever owned. God bless them and there music(under the weather - most underrated song)
"'Coz your a friend, i blame,myself"
"Your my anesthetic"
by question mark August 2, 2004
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An officer of the law, who likes to indulge in mischief, usually without due regard for his fellow officers; especially at parties where he likes to consume alcohol to the point where he "thinks" he is funny and having a good time. This activity is always the opposite as he actually acts idiotic and gets into fights that he cannot win.
Hey Farva, you better stop that shit or you are going to get your ass kicked!
by question mark January 8, 2004
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The act of being intoxicated with weed, lean & prescription pills that put you in a euphoric state and awareness is significantly decreased
Reggie : hey Harry you don't look alright, what is wrong?
Harry : hey man I'm going kluzoo
by question mark November 8, 2020
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