2 definitions by purpleplum

when someone or something is reeeeeeeaaaallly reaaallly very very extreemly dumb.

Over stupid.

Too stupid to be stupid.

Beyond stupid.

Biggest cuss of intelligence.

Of West African decent.
You fool, how foil in the microwave? You must be stupid upon stupid
by purpleplum May 20, 2009
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1. someone who is overly annoying to such an extent to which you cannot take their stupid upon stupid behaviour anymore.

2. someone who is very conniving and does everything to be a selfish cow.

3. someone who never appreciates what others do for them and bitch about their efforts, simply taking the piss.

all of the above are carried out in a bitch like manner

you really feel like slapping these people with a big wet, stinking fish.
A girl who gets herself pregnant through trapping her boyfriend, telling him she is on the pill. That girl is an original bitch face.

when someone purposely does or says something to directly and particulary annoy, hurt, spite or make you real mad. That person is being a bitchface.
by purpleplum May 20, 2009
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