8 definitions by purplemonky


What people called Dark Wing Duck when he was not saving people
by purplemonky November 25, 2003
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Pen 15

pen 15 is slang for penisalso see cock wang and dick
by purplemonky November 12, 2003
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Spiritual leader for modern day dragons
yes there are people that think they are dragons
by purplemonky November 12, 2003
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hang low

the thing that hangs over your balls. some people like to call it a penis
bitch, get that stank off my hang low
by purplemonky November 23, 2003
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do you wanna lick my cack and balls?
by purplemonky November 23, 2003
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Off is a spray used by hoes to keep the bugs off them in the woods
i think there is a bug in this here woods can you hand me the off
by purplemonky November 24, 2003
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