3 definitions by pm-bidoni

When you eat too much cevapi and your stomach cannot handle it anymore, resulting in excrements that resemble ragù.
Tecs: "Hey Marta how are things?"
Marta: "Not well Tecs, today I made cagasburra..."
by pm-bidoni July 9, 2022
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An adjective with extreme versatility that can shape-shift into anything you need in a sentence. If someone is a bit crazy, he's sborato. Someone showing extreme kindness? Sborato. An object is broken? It's now sborato. Is it showing a new unforeseen indescribable characteristic that you don't know how to put into words? It is sborato indeed.
Cara, you need to absolutely meet Bonny. He's sborato like few! You'll love him
by pm-bidoni October 5, 2022
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An action that implies confirming some plans, optionally creating a lot of hype, but then changing your mind at the last minute.
Guys I'm so sorry, but this time I really think I'm pulling an Andrea Corrado...

I was so hyped to see Tecs at the party yesterday, but then one hour before he just pulled a huge Andrea Corrado on me.
by pm-bidoni May 4, 2023
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