40 definitions by plmjiuhnbvcdertg

How bored are you????????????????????????????????? You are dead.
wryipsfhkzcbmqetuoadgjlxvn is when someone kills themself.
by plmjiuhnbvcdertg October 29, 2021
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The worst smartphone ever. Brains of a 3 year old mid-ranger when it was released, slow as FUCK, and some carriers like T-Mobile failing to deliver Android 11 or Android 12, probably for the better.
Kid 1: I have an iPhone 13!
Kid 2: Cool! I have a Samsung Galaxy A11.
Kid 1: Eww, an el-cheapo phone that I saw being sold at Wally World for under 100 bucks? Gross!
by plmjiuhnbvcdertg July 6, 2022
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OMFG OMFG YOU ARE THE BOREDOM PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by plmjiuhnbvcdertg November 23, 2021
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