21 definitions by phoojoeniam

The sound Mega Man (or MegaMan if you prefer) makes when he is hit by an enemy or hazardous object.
Ahh! There is one of those little things that move fast when you stand near it! It's gonna hit me! Noo! *EUCHRE!!!*
by phoojoeniam November 20, 2003
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Acronym for "What's the big idea?" Soon to replace the old and overused "WTF."

Can also be said "WTI" for simply "What's the idea?"

Originated from the Three Stooges short films.
Hey man, I hit u and u didnt die!!111 WTBI????!?!?!/?//11
by phoojoeniam January 8, 2004
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A crack commando unit from Vietnam that was sent to prison in 1972 for a crime they did not commit. After promptly escaping from a maximum security stocade, they now survive as soldiers of fortune, still on the run from the military police. They work for anyone who is in need of help and are innocent, hard-working people trying to make a living, and will usually do the job for free, even though they are supposedly "hired."

Consists of leader Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, Sergeant Bosco "B.A." Baracus, Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck, and Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murdock.
"If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire: The A-Team."
by phoojoeniam March 29, 2003
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1. A Photoshop® filter that pwnz.
2. Used for no apparent reason whenever insanity creeps into a conversation.
Embossing is cool.

2hot4u: wut were taking bout?
Phoojoeniam: why are you embossed?
2hot4u: STFU!
Phoojoeniam: ykthx?
by phoojoeniam October 11, 2003
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Used a greeting between two mutual friends. In reality, a fist from one person is "pounded" against the fist of the other person, accompanied by both persons saying "pound."
by phoojoeniam September 6, 2003
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See Phoojoeniam's definition for # or pound.
Phoojoeniam: Shift-3
TonyDanza: #
by phoojoeniam September 6, 2003
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