40 definitions by peanut coke plug

A pipe used to smoke chunks of dope. Can refer to either crack cocaine or fentanyl chunk dope.
Old head: lemme get a hitta that chunk pipe boy
by peanut coke plug October 28, 2022
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Blowing chunk is slang for the act of smoking chunk dope. It is typically done using aluminum foil or a chunk piece.

Blowing chunk gets users extremely high, and chunk smoke is very hard on the lungs.
dude: man last night I was blowing chunk and watching 21 jump street, shit had me laughing my balls off bruh

guy: you blowing chunk like a monk my g 😂😂
by peanut coke plug October 26, 2022
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Dirty diaper coke is cocaine that has been adulterated or contaminated with the dirty diapers of cartel members.

It is rumored that during the trafficking process, cocaine that is broken down to be cut and rebricked is often tampered with by cartel members for various reasons. In 2019 videos surfaced on social media of cartel members mixing bricks of cocaine into a vat containing acetone before adding unnamed powdered adulterants. At one point one of the cartel members also appears to add a dirty diaper, plastic silverware, and an unknown liquid into the container as him and the camera man laugh and watch the objects melt into the sludge of boiling acetone and cocaine. The video then cuts to the men drying the remaining acetone and pressing the cut cocaine into bricks for redistribution.
Tate: I just got a bag

manny: did you see that video on twitter? the cartel is making dirty diaper coke
by peanut coke plug October 31, 2022
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bob dope aka sponge bob dope is chunk dope / fent dope with a distinct yellow color, typically after being dyed with food coloring. Since bricks of yellow fent dope are square in shape, some have suggested they resemble Spongebob. As such, dealers and users often refer to yellow fent dope as sponge dope, bob dope, or sponge bob dope.
Franky G: I got the bob dope in my pipe that yellow fire make me hype
by peanut coke plug November 6, 2022
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Dogshit x The Cube is a potent hybrid strain of marijuana that is a cross between the strains Dogshit and The Cube
by peanut coke plug November 6, 2022
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snow blow is slang for cocaine. most people who do a lot of coke call it "snow blow"
Tyrone: I'm snorting that coke

Jamar: im detroit we call it snow blow
by peanut coke plug November 6, 2022
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A chunk brick is a brick of fentanyl thats about to be broken down into chunk dope or powdered fent dope.
Tyrone: I just got da chunk brick

Darius: You making moves bro
by peanut coke plug November 6, 2022
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