11 definitions by pbbt

acronym for tuberculosis. a common and deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria.
"I practically got t.b. and came out here for all these goddam checkups and stuff" (salinger 5).
by pbbt September 26, 2007
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"Then all of a sudden old spencer looked like he had something very good, something sharp as a tack, to say to me" (salinger 10)
by pbbt September 26, 2007
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a type of clothing-- can be worn inside out.
"this jacket is so ugly, mom!"
"it's a reversible. just flip it inside-out."
"oh. that's a bit better."
by pbbt September 26, 2007
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to improvise a load of bs (gee, wonder where that term came from?) to keep somebody distracted for any reason.
"so I shot the bull for a while. i told him i was a real moron, and all that stuff" (salinger 12)
by pbbt September 26, 2007
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