10 definitions by pb foot

a phrase that is yelled out when something awesome happens like your school's sports team winning a game

oprah yelled this out very enthusiastically on her show when she announced she was taking her entire audience to Australia as part of her final season, and it is just too funny to not use in daily speech. bonus points for copying her trill scream

it also draws from winning children saying they are going to disney world after an impressive victory, such as in the movie Balls Of Fury
bob: i cant believe it, we just won the regional soccer championship!!
by pb foot September 16, 2010
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pronounciation: lick-bow (as one word)

in Ontario, Canada, all liquor is sold at a government run chain of stores called the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario).
Licbo is used in conversation as it is shorter to say and is a phonetic pronunciation of the abbreviation
Dirk: hey, Mirk, got any plans for the tonight?
Mirk: oh yeah, going to a party at Zirks, but i gotta hit up the licbo and buy some whiskey first
by pb foot August 22, 2010
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What you become when a "friend" only wants to see or communicate with you in a certain environment, such as at school or work, but never outside of that environment to just hang out.

Also can be a friend that only ever talks to you when they need something from you, such as a ride somewhere or help with a school assignment.
When talking to this person, you might find that you feel like you are being brushed off.
Christine: Hey Chris, i was wondering if you could send me a scan of that chemistry assignment 'cause i lost mine. Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, could i get a ride to school with you tomorrow?

Chris: Yeah, i'll scan the assignment and send it in a few minutes. i'll be at your house at about 7:45 tomorrow.

Christine: Thanks buddy

Chris: No prob. Hey, what are you doing this weekend? I was thinking about going paintballing or seeing a movie. Want to come?

Christine: I can't, i have ahh...(eyes starting shifting and hands start fidgeting) dentist apointment, but maybe after that i could, i'll txt you on the weekend.

*Chris never heard back from Christine on the weekend because Chris is just a Convenience Friend to Christine
by pb foot March 8, 2010
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