13 definitions by ozzy

damn, my milk shake really is better than yours. cause you knoe it really does bring all the boyz to da yard, and Jewzzz be in the holidae hizzle.
hic-a-doo-la, dont make me over-estamate you.
by ozzy December 4, 2003
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Marijuanna--Cannabis. It kind of sounds like what the drug feels like.
Let's smoke some mawi wawi.
by ozzy February 8, 2005
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the shit in ur eye when u wake up.
hey judit u got virgle in ur eye.
by ozzy September 16, 2004
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money grubbing lazy woman wont work moves relitives in your house
My wife is being a queefie again.
by ozzy May 20, 2003
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Rare name. Popularity rank #16375 in the USA. Adapted from a legendary monster which became common in dreams around the 1930s. The dinosaur-like monster appeared in Blue and Purple colours, estimated 15 foot high, with flat teeth - a leaf eater, was an educational dream for children in the southern regions of Greater London in the UK. There were no reports of adults having a vision of the Odinosaurus.
Tom Odino; Dick Odino; Harry Odino
by ozzy January 11, 2005
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