3 definitions by ottogame

If something is cheguacious, it has the acoustic and visual aura of the inside of a Chipotle.
Person 1: Nice place you got here.

Person 2: Yeah, I tried to make it seem cheguacious.
Person 1: Yeah, well the wood and metal art and obscure slow pop music sure does it!
by ottogame September 21, 2020
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The moment when an old white man or woman makes an out-of-touch statement towards a kid in an attempt to be relatable or comedic. They usually make a pained smile after the gnimph.
Kid: Can I play the Wii?
Old white person: Well I think you need to take a wee-wee.

Old white person:

Kid: That was a complete gnimph
Old white person:
by ottogame September 21, 2020
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A word to use when you don't like something and don't feel like explaining why. You call it janter because janter sounds like an actual word with a negative connotation, like banter or bigotry, etc., but it's just janter.
Person 1: Why do people prefer Coke over Pepsi? They are the same.

Person 2: That's janter.
Person 1: What?
by ottogame September 21, 2020
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