13 definitions by olly

It's an adjective describing something really-really cool.
hey, look at those cresent fresh skulls in my salad.
by olly June 26, 2003
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The finger that is frequently used to pleasure the anus.
Oh no, i've sprained my bumfinger

John's bum finger looks brown. He must hae been using it.
by olly April 13, 2004
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This club is bone as hell.
by olly August 30, 2003
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vb. coll. slang for masturbation, often aided by William Hague speech CDs.
I'm off to read for a bit and then i might wallpaper the kitchen.
by olly February 27, 2004
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That's amazing
After somebody pulls off a great skateboarding trick

"Hey, dude, shabbam!"
by olly January 8, 2004
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