4 definitions by not-my-name

When you trap your life long formula one rival in order to explain every little detail about your race or quali session to them without a chance of escape.

Not to be confused with Mansplaining, while similar, Maxsplaining presents clear homoerotic undertones and heart eyes from both parties involved.
person 1: where's Charles?
person 2: oh, Max got him, he already started the maxsplaining
person 1: damn, that's a shame, there's no saving him now...
by not-my-name October 12, 2022
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When you trap your life long formula one rival in order to explain every little detail about your race or quali session to them without a chance of escape.

Not to be confused with Mansplaining, while similar, Maxsplaining presents clear homoerotic undertones and heart eyes from both parties involved.
person 1: where's Charles?
person 2: oh, Max got him, he already started the Maxsplaining

person 1: damn, that's a shame, there's no saving him now...
by not-my-name October 12, 2022
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Ship between Sir Percival and Sir Gwaine from the BBC show Merlin
person 1: hey, look at this big muscular bentle giant and his chaotic loud drunk irish husband
person 2: so... basically Pergwaine
by not-my-name October 12, 2022
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The iconic ship name for 7 time WDC Lewis Hamilton and WDC Nico Rosberg

Quite literally a childhood friends to lovers to enemies. They used to be very close friends since their childhood but their friendship ended tragically in 2016, the year Rosberg became WDC and decided to retire.

This could the one of the saddest ships in F1 but they’re also just two men pathetically in love with each other who refuse to be the first to apologize.
Person 1: did you know about Rosberg and Hamilton? I heard they don’t even talk anymore

Person 2: yeah, but Rosberg is always praising Hamilton and shit, he’s like properly in love with him

Person 1: I’m not sure, Hamilton doesn’t even say his name, must be weird, they even live in the same building! How do they avoid each other?

Person 2: Brocedes is so weird I swear it’s just a comedy disguised as a tragedy
by not-my-name June 6, 2023
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