4 definitions by norm the plum

When one of your legs is gimped and you must rest it on the horizontal stationary object your partner is lying on during coitus, while the other leg is planted on the ground for leverage.
Utilizing the Summers Flamingo technique is the only way to guarantee stability during standing coital penetration.
by norm the plum October 15, 2017
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A Michigan native utilizing the far left lane of an interstate or highway without passing other vehicles.
Another siting of a Michigan Buttplug tamponing the passing lane on I94 eastbound.
by norm the plum June 5, 2017
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Simultaneously fingerbanging two women.
Also known as Nantucket Rigging or Clam-gunning.
I Monterey Rubbed Joyce and Brenda at the movie theater while the previews played.
I Nantucket Rigged Felicia and Naomi in stirrupped beds while watching Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang.
Maria and Phoebe wanted me to clam-gun them like an AMC Gremlin in-line six engine.
by norm the plum October 11, 2015
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Michigan native who you are trying to pass or merge in front of that speeds up to close that gap.
I witnessed a Michigander towing their snowmobiles traveling at 60 mph in the left lane on I96 westbound perform a beautifully executed Michigan Squeezing Twat on a vehicles attempting to pass them.
by norm the plum June 5, 2017
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