3 definitions by natedoggggggggggg
a dumb fuck who beleives it is right to explode himself to kill innocent people. Normally arabs. They do it to serve "allah" and the kids do it because they are brainwashed and need to earn their family some money for their life. The stupid bastards are paid to do that shit by terrorists which they have eventually become. They are the biggest treat to man-kind and must be terminated.
by natedoggggggggggg July 8, 2005
A room in a strip club where you get a bunch of girls for yourself and as much champagne as you want so that you get shitfaced. It normally costs around 100-300 dollars to get in there.
by natedoggggggggggg July 8, 2005
by natedoggggggggggg July 8, 2005