23 definitions by mrdabbleswithpotion

The biggest marker in media that everything that's being said is a lie. Ask other Europeans about it.

The way the actual accent is spoken in england, northern & republic of ireland (the last, technically not in uk) (all DE-CAPITALIZED) is actually undignified & unintelligent sounding as opposed to how they make themselves appear in all media the british intelligence agency is pushing into the North American entertainment market (that's ALL they do in that agency). They'd do away with cana-duh, if they could, really. Why the American public opinion shaping agency, the cia (DE-CAPITALIZED), keeps on helping, I cannot fathom. Then again, they are the Company (CAPITALIZED).

The other Celts, the Welsh & Scots, are the ones that speak it like they really do love the sound of their own voice, because they hear tones well. Artfully grammatically correct too, unlike the grammar school going english that could hardly utter proper grammar — stay in england awhile. Then the english just takes that for their own & denigrate them. They honestly can't help it.

It's the english (at it's core) impulse in them to push forward their thinking, because they are above you, no matter the complete lack of basis for that impression. So they stress words, raise their tones, make faces, snarl & grunt, as if THAT would force you to submission. More of enabling a primal impulse that they've refined to an art.
Wow! I would've believed the shaming news from bbc, if it only were in british accent (DE-CAPITALIZED).

Oh, wait, it's all in that accent.

Next on bbc:

OOoooh, oight, oight! When you heeaarrrr that we aaare NOT the the best people on the plaaahnet, they are gaslighting you! How could weee NOT? Weee speak this aaaac-cent! Baaaaaaaahhhh!

Do not believe anything in that accent on ANY media.
by mrdabbleswithpotion January 4, 2022
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A *cutesy* woman who likes being told what to do & who to be, but actually very terrible & toxic herself (passive aggressively). Born of a horny union (out of anything) of a young couple, raised by a terrible mother who pushes dreams to her because the mother has nothing, hoping the man she seduced would add quality to what the mother has not.

Tell her to screw random guys, as part of the corruption of fake liberalism &, liking being told what to do, she will! All to keep her bad british-type friends of san francisco. They are IDIOTS there.

A no-talent actress, comedian, screenwriter (??) & honestly, quite ugly too. Leads you to ask, "What is she doing in the industry?". Takes too much to her *posers* mother side of the family.
Eeek!! You are!.. The worst ever! You are a kathryn (common noun)!!!
by mrdabbleswithpotion December 7, 2021
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