2 definitions by mrcheesenowait

The act of sneaking up and sliding your cock into a co-worker's or buddy's pocket and blowing your load.
Tom: "I went 2 months without ejaculating so that my dick would be sensitive enough to cum just from sliding it into Steve's pocket. I think I traumatized him into shock!"

Bob: "Sweet. Gave that honky the old Hot Pocket!"
by mrcheesenowait January 15, 2012
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Tea-bagging someone with a turd hanging half-way out of your asshole. Preferably, the recipient will be blind-folded or closing their eyes to keep them in suspense over whether they are about to get the ballsack or the shit with every successive dip.
"I gave your mother the turtle dip, not because she is such a whore but because I thought it would make her stop trying to fuck me."
by mrcheesenowait October 22, 2011
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