4 definitions by monkeycheese99

Extremely ready and willing to contribute a brief quote to help promote a book (usually as a favor to a publisher, an agent, or a colleague)

*Coined by Bill Simmons in reference to Chuck Klosterman on "The Bill Simmons Podcast" (Ep. 475)
"You wrote a lot of blurbs for other authors. You were blurbacious."
by monkeycheese99 January 30, 2019
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To annoyingly watch over someone's shoulder while they are working on a computer. This activity is extremely distracting and is especially popular in the world of graphic design and advertising.

Dutch: pottekijker ("to watch someone's pot while cooking")
Brazilian Portuguese: papagaio de pirata ("to be a parrot on a pirate's shoulder")
I'm trying to work here, stop shoulderbeastin' me!
by monkeycheese99 March 19, 2010
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Digital content such as online videos produced by people on the Interweb lacking time, creativity or personal taste.
"I've got an idea, let's start a viral video contest that asks for user-generated content."
"Won't work. We'll get a bunch of loser-generated content instead."
by monkeycheese99 April 22, 2010
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When a company or person reverses its decision to "pivot" (change its business strategy.)
"The company could just unpivot and go back to fully-planned date nights." - Robinhood Snacks Podcast (February 16, 2022)
by monkeycheese99 February 16, 2022
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