231 definitions by mlhiss

A person that feels uncomfortable and lacks a rational understanding or revulsion of people with transgender people, especially those with a real diagnosis of gender dysphoria (distress caused by the discrepancy between a person's physical gender and their gender identity).
There are as many different transphobic types of people as there are transgender people. Some transphobic individuals have a real fear and negative emotional reaction to transgender people, whereas others have a more outward hatred and rage towards transgender people. Many people who are considered transphobic have had little contact with transgender people and so may act stupidly, make light of the encounter by joking or teasing, or lack political correctness, or make insensitive comments but are not clinically transphobic. Some transphobic people claim it is immoral, social perversion, a ruse for voyeuristic people, or claim it is against their religion to rationalize their transphobic behavior. Many transphobic people can quickly learn more about gender dysphoria and to accept it without responding negatively.
by mlhiss December 21, 2019
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When a political vendetta is focused on local leaders constituents because he won't support a major politician. E.g., jamming up traffic for 1000's of constituents. Many constituents may unwittingly end up focusing their anger on the local leader, who is helpless in such a situation. The vendetta is obvious to the local leader, however it is hard to prove. When he protests he is mocked and humiliated, and made to look like a paranoid, delusional conspiracy theorist or incompetent idiot. The wide publicity from the vendetta creates an exponential impact on other non-supporters of the major politician, so they get the message and jump in line so they do not end up being humiliated, or in political gridlock.
Since the real perpetrator always has plausible deniability he can claim to be blindsided, heartbroken, embarrassed, humiliated and betrayed by his zealots, and his stupid goons. The ability of the perpetrator to transform himself into the victim by playing to people's empathy, sympathy, and by using an army of spin doctors who can saturated the media with a new image is a true accomplishment. The perpetrator's success may end up further enhancing his ability to inspire fear in those who may not aspire to come to his rescue. This works best when a complete account of conspiracy theory cannot show a direct connection, such as by a paper trail, or by testimony from stupid aides and appointees.
When stuck in gridlock traffic for hours.

Faceless constituent One: I guess it was "Time for traffic problems in Fort Lee"
Faceless constituent Two: You "Got it," right.
by mlhiss January 10, 2014
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Flood-urban interface. (FUI). Areas where development and infrastructure is floodprone and susceptible to damage from flooding or storm surge.
While not originally a Fooee, he soon found himself one after upstream development drained all their water on to his property.
by mlhiss September 15, 2020
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The Occupy Wall Street movement's premise is that only the people can take back control of the democracy and reinstitute social justice and equality. The movement is in response to the mean spirited and greedy plutocrats who not only control the outcome of the elections but the votes in Congress, Court decissions, and the actions of the President. Occupy Wall Street Movement is based in part on the Arab Spring in which the people took to the streets and seized control of the countries that were ruled by dictators. While it started on Wall Street it has spread rapidly to Main Streets throughout the USA.

The Occupy Wall Street movement wants to make sure Wall Street shakers and fakers are held accountable for the illegal activities that contributed to the Great Recession. They want to change the incentive systems in capitalism to favor society as a whole, instead of the greed and contempt of a few.
It is amazing in the day of high speed communications that it takes three weeks for the Occupy Wall Street movement to get from the social media and street to the corporate media. Even more amazing is how the movements clear message of social and equal justice can be distorted by the corporate media.
by mlhiss October 6, 2011
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The Secretary of Homeland Security gave the president a nicely engraved diamond WWJD bracelet as a subtle way or reminding him of the current situation on the border, and how the private prisons were able to charge more per day than he does for a 750 dollar suite at his Washington DC hotel.
by mlhiss June 26, 2019
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An extremely inappropriate way saying that a specific incidence of rape has been investigated and determined to have occurred in an illegal manner.
“If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down,” Todd Akin explained to a St. Louis TV station in 2012 before losing his race for US Senate.
Todd Akin went on to claim that if the female body does not shut down and a baby is born it will be a special little child.

Todd Akin gave the following example: “I had a number of people in my campaign that were children…who were conceived in rape.”
by mlhiss May 18, 2019
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"PRS" Post Relationship Syndrome when a person goes from being nice and loving to hot and cold flashes of pure hatred and rage.
Jon Boy: Hey man what's with Anne, she used to used to be a little kitten, now she's turned into a rampaging sabre tooth.

Mary Lewd: Her PRS is mutating her personality, no telling what she will end up like.

by mlhiss March 28, 2008
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