13 definitions by mister miser

Baseball is where you hit a ball with a stick and run around in circles. If someone punches you with the ball, or gets to the base with the ball before you do, you're out.

Baseball is like sex, you're either safe or you aren't.
Dude: "Hey Man! We should TOTALLY play Baseball today!"
Man: "Dude, that's sweet! But where's my Bat?"
My Bat: "Sorry man, I was in the closet in the basement. Have you ever felt so lonely you have to imagine the wall is another person?"
Dude and Man: "..."
My Bat: "I haven't either, I always have My Balls to talk too."
Dude: "We keep the baseballs upstairs..."
My Bat: "I know."
by mister miser March 28, 2008
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When using a vibrating dildo, there might be a tingling sensation, that's boltfyre! Boltfyre is also vaginal soreness.
"I was playing with my toys and I got a boltfyre!"

"After last night, I got a boltfyre."
by mister miser March 26, 2008
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Prettylicious is a word to describe something pretty or beautiful. Maybe even sexy.

See 'Fergalicious'.
Your face is prettylicious.

His art is prettylicious.
by mister miser March 22, 2008
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Adjective. 1. Something or Someone sho causes orgasms in any gender.
2. An action or practise that was sexually exciting.
3. Beautiful
MySpace Loser: Sometimes, I'd like to think that my millions of pictures on MySpace is orgasmic to some hot chick in Japan.
Hot Chick in Japan: The sex last night with that MySpace Loser was Orgasmic!
Museum Curator: Leonardo da Vinci's artwork was simply orgasmic!
by mister miser March 21, 2008
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An emo palace is a household with an emo kid, usually more than one. Emo Palaces may contain many emo corners and razorblades for comfort and recreational purposes.
Look at Ashley retreat into her Emo Palace. I heard she sits in her emo corner with her razorblades and slits her wrists.
by mister miser March 22, 2008
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"I am the Eggman, They are the Eggmen, I am the Walrus, Koo Koo K'Choo!" Sang John Lennon
by mister miser May 11, 2008
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