3 definitions by meowpoop

a person who when is jerkin his gerkin, acts and sound like a monkey.
Woh man u look a like a total jiz monkey when wakin ur walrus
by meowpoop April 14, 2007
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a women with eight vaginas.... mmmmm
Dude ur mom is an octo-twatter?.... nice
by meowpoop April 8, 2007
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when a girl with a thirst for blood-cum viciously attacks the erected penis and sucks out all the semenated blood, infecting the new carrier of the virus gona - sypha - herpe - scaby - genital - blood - a - TITUS
As adolf allernipples was sitting on the john, an infected vampire with the virus gona - sypha - herpe - scaby - genital - bloodATITUS attacked adolf's captain mickhead and gave him a vampire job
by meowpoop November 6, 2007
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