2 definitions by meany

a dead very FIT fish. ;)
'ur mom!'......'MEANY!!!!!!'
by meany May 17, 2004
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Slipknot is AWESOME! but a lot of people dont like them for some odd reason. just cause people kunt understand them, they dont like them. jeese. you fuck faces are so ignorant. there's abnd for every person, and if you dont like slipknot, then dont talk about them. gosh, people these days are all just shit talkers. Slipknot is the most defined word/band on this site. and the people who say that they are the biggest scam, have no talent, are mainstream, or teenie bopper/popular, why are you defining them? you are only causing them to BE more popular...jeese louise. ok, i'm done. but let this be known:
Slipknot is fucking awesome.
by meany November 12, 2004
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