5 definitions by master of shadows

the friend that will fuck a dude and wont say "no homo" at the end of it
dude you fuck him and never said no homo you ramisan
by master of shadows February 26, 2019
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An explanation of a brutal dunk in basketball that involves the dunker to drag their nuts across the face of the person being dunked on. Usually an unexpected dunk to finish off a game or to outright disrespect the opponent.
“Did you see Etty and Neo play on the court last Friday?”

“Yeah Neo brought the game to 21-3, she got yammed on
by master of shadows November 26, 2017
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A term used to explain something that is horrible and you dislike.
"Did you see Julians new outfit"
"Yeah its pretty aids"
by master of shadows September 7, 2015
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A bitchass fool that is a complete retard about everything. Someone that switches up on homies, snitches, is oblivious to everything, and or pulls bullshit moves.
“Did you hear about Etty dissing off Gabe?”

“Yeah it was a shrimp move”
by master of shadows November 26, 2017
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A slang for when you hear something that brings surprise, joy, or happiness to the speaker. Often said loudly to drown out other speaks during the slang.
"Yo did you see Neo give Etty the yammed on treatment yesterday?"

"Yeah brih that shit was fire"

by master of shadows November 27, 2017
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