5 definitions by marzy_

He is a scary man that will eat you for dinner if you let him. he is like his cousin Ezekiel and likes to flog black kids. Thats Dwanye De Satge for you
Oh no, it is Dwayne De Satge . He will murk us if we don't run away like little children.
by marzy_ February 25, 2020
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Full of hackers and is basically pay to win. If you don't have a good monitor, pc, mouse and skins you have no hope of ever achieving in-game fame. Scams and hacking is common since there is no IP bans and everyone is sensitive and can't take a joke. Normal players such as myself simp for comp players, comp players usually simp for streamers and in turn streamers simp for Developers. In general, it is a toxic community and I reckon it should be stopped.
P1: I just played Krunker.io
P2: Nah man you should quit. Too many hackers
by marzy_ November 3, 2020
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Let me paint the picture. Cohen is pale-skinned, has blonde hair styled in a buzz cut, has blue eyes, about 5"4, plays soccer, watches anime, plays video games (Fortnite, Rocket League, etc.), and goes to bed at 6 am and gets to school at 9. The result of this activity causes him to do 1-second blinks, have bags under his eyes, small pp, and no girlfriends. His grades at school are C's-D's with the occasional A for mathematics if he can manage to hand in the assignment. Cohen sits next to the teacher in every class due to his poor behavior. The planning room has been issued nearly 20 times ( a form of school punishment which is considered shameful if you go there.) Not to mention the dent he has in his head from wearing his gamer headset for too long. No lie, he has a dent believe it or not.Roughly every bone in his body has been broken. Off the top of my head I can list:
Pathetic human being but has a nice mum that I spend most of my nights with so that's good.
Also, where's your bus pass?
Guy1: Ow my bones dude I need to go to the hospital!
Guy2: Are you serious right now don't be a Cohen Butcher
by marzy_ August 20, 2021
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Hair like pubes.
Keeps trevally
"EASY!" after exam
Guy1: EASY'D the exam, kept a trevally and now my hair looks like pwebees
Guy2: Bruh are you serious don't be a Lucas Rhodes
by marzy_ August 19, 2021
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The concept of having really disgusting food and trying it to find that it is Suspiciously Delicious.
I ate some poop that I found in my kitchen sink. I hesitated at first but then I finally tried it to find it was Suspiciously Delicious.
by marzy_ February 25, 2020
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