2 definitions by lilmamma43345

the not-so-subtle way of stating you will not be waking up before 10A.M. to attend church on a sunday.
Either A: because you are too hungover from the events that unfolded the previous evening.
B: you're just too lazy to be waking up that early.
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MOM: so ill see you in the morning service?

YOU: sorry momma but ill be preying to father pillow tomorrow morning.
by lilmamma43345 May 12, 2010
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Something being amazing,awesome,real,LEGIT! to epic porportions.
"true lemon: packets of crystalized lemons that you add to drinks such as water or diet coke dude! try it man!"

"OMG it seriously tastes like i squeezed a lemon in my water!!!"

"I told you this stuff is legitamis maximus!!!"
by lilmamma43345 May 13, 2010
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