2 definitions by likeaboss7343

Primarily issued by second-rate community colleges, the bottom of the totem pole of postsecondary degrees. Not really much better than a high school diploma. Only good for use as a stepping stone to a Bachelor's Degree, or to score that shift manager position at your local McDonald's. Although taking only about two years to earn, those two years are a massive waste of time unless the holder plans on earning a Bachelor's Degree or better at a later date.
Joe earned his Associate Degree at his local community college, and is now employed at Harvard University... as the head of the cleaning crew.

The ghetto community college took an otherwise useful piece of paper, and made it worthless by turning it into an Associate Degree.
by likeaboss7343 April 14, 2014
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A 45-year-old undergraduate college student who dropped out of high school, realized that they'll never get a good job, got their GED, and is studying hopelessly for a degree. Natural habitats for these creatures primarily include second-rate community colleges and technical schools.
After dropping out of high school and spending 25 years as a janitor, Joe got a GED and became a non-traditional student at the local community college.
by likeaboss7343 April 14, 2014
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