2 definitions by licensedretard

a very close friend you make during the pandemic, online or not, they're your Brovid-19.
Friend: Who's this guy?
You, probably: That's my Brovid-19, I met him online.
by licensedretard March 18, 2021
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- Someone with no opinions. Reads unfunny memes all day and bugs other people about said unfunny memes. Always have the same opinions as other redditors and vice versa
- Acts like that one annoying kid from The Polar Express, but always denies that they do
- Is not funny.
Redditor: Hey, do you know Reddit? It's really funny dude! It isn't cringe unlike Instagram! I make my meme compilations with the memes there!

Teacher: do your Math test, Kyle.

Redditor: (Ugh, this is totally not a Wholesome Poggers moment.)
by licensedretard January 8, 2021
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