4 definitions by lesbian_mess

He/Him lesbian

a he/him lesbian is a lesbian who uses He/Him pronouns, they’ve sparked a lot of discourse because a lot of people accostiate He/Him pronouns with men, which yes a lot of men use He/Him, However gender is defined as “Gender is the range of characteristics pertaining to femininity and masculinity and differentiating between them. Depending on the context, this may include sex-based social structures and gender identity” while pronouns are defined as “In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a word or a group of words that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase”, so therefore you can use be any pronouns and be any specific gender identity + also a lot of arguments against He/Him lesbians is “the only time lesbians used He/Him in history was to pass off as men for safety”, which yes there was a lot of lesbians that did that, however historically speak there was lesbians who did that because they felt disconnected from their womenhood, so therefore you need to chill out
person: “you can’t use he/him and be lesbian because he/him pronouns are only for men”
a he/him lesbian: “pronouns and gender by definition are completely two different things also you aren’t lesbian you need to stop speaking over lesbians voices”
by lesbian_mess September 12, 2022
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chi chi gal

Chi chi gal is a offensive way to refer to gay women in jamecian slang, it’s gay man counterpart is chi chi man or B*tty B*y
homophobe: ew your one of those chi chi gals?
Gay women: i hope someone boom boom byes your head
by lesbian_mess August 20, 2022
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It originally meant a cishet man who fetishized lesbian relationships/wanted to be in one but it was to good to waste on them so the butches took it
random person: “are you a transgender man?”
butch lesbian: “i’m a guydyke”
by lesbian_mess August 20, 2022
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Hms means “H@ñg myself” and

another term Hys means “H@ñg Yourself”, please don’t harass people using these Terms please ty
“go hys
“you make me wanna hms
by lesbian_mess March 10, 2022
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