2 definitions by labvor

1. To brand your business as doing something really different in a well-established market, often to generate hype and high topline valuations. Not to be confused with "disrupt."

2. To make bold claims of "changing the world" despite being in an industry of little significance.
1. "Amidst Theranos, Zenefits, Clinkle, and uBeam, everyone in Silicon Valley is trying to find an market to disruptify."
2. "Washio and Rinse are really disruptifying the corner dry cleaning industry."
by labvor May 14, 2016
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To get your name on a lot of academic papers for the purpose of padding your publication list, without regard for the impact of the work. Not to be confused with "publish."
He got the faculty job because he publicated like crazy during his postdoc, even though he just tagged along to other people's projects and first-authored some papers in journals nobody reads.1
by labvor May 13, 2016
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