4 definitions by ksdhnkj.sdhfkj

A language nobody speaks except for language nerds. A failed international language, but a great hobby language. If people stopped expecting everyone to learn it, so many more would
Person 1) Hey, Cxu vi parolas Esperanton?
Person 2) What?
Person 1) You're dead to me.
by ksdhnkj.sdhfkj July 4, 2018
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An elementary particle that makes you fat.
You: Damn, man! She's clearly constantly interacting with Higgs Bosons!
Friend: D'you mean she's fat?
You: Ummm...
Friend: Why overcomplicate things like that?
You: Realize you have no life.
by ksdhnkj.sdhfkj July 4, 2018
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Those things that annoy you during physics class.
Teacher: So, today kids, we are gonna learn about particle physics!
Class: *collective sigh*
by ksdhnkj.sdhfkj July 6, 2018
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An immigrant (aka a terrorist) who is somehow both an Arab and an Indian
New girl dekha? Vah another Fuckistani hai!
by ksdhnkj.sdhfkj August 22, 2022
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