4 definitions by knightofcydonia

verbal noun, derives from the indian version of jasper carrot: ghifpa pajatis.
im pajitying my goofpa, goofpa
by knightofcydonia August 12, 2006
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verbal noun, derives from the indian version of jasper carrot: ghifpa pajatis.
im pajitying my goofpa, goofpa
by knightofcydonia August 12, 2006
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a smylie is someone who can never be in the wrong, or they will

combust. Usual side effects of being a smylie include bleached

hair, being really really tall (much taller than any of their

friends) and having the sensitivity of a princess.
"oi princess, you've got a spot"

"shut up, get lost, surprised you can see from DOWN THERE"

"dude - stop being such a darn smylie, you're but an inch

greater in height!?"

"everything's shit."

"no it's not..."

by knightofcydonia March 22, 2009
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a person who has unpleasantly, sordidly or upsettingly engaged themselves to a lover's twin.
"f*** you, you f***ing FYKAKEY - you engaged yourself to my twin!"

"I suppose i could have done it in a less unpleasant way..."

"too damn right you sordid, upsetting FYKAKEY d*c*head"
by knightofcydonia March 22, 2009
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