3 definitions by kennyd

(adj) - displaying characterics of a ched, or anything associated with a ched.
Ken: What do you think of that guy's ponytail and goatee?

Kim: Chedly.
by kennyd November 13, 2003
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A phrased used to irritate corporate customers in an Indian outsourced technical support environment, suggesting lunacy, moronic tendencies and possible idiocy. A worded used in a similar language not unlike Pooty Tag but not completely definable in the English language.
Customer, "my internet connection is not working. Is there anything wrong with your connection today?". Indian Tech: "fisedup sir, fisedup!.
by kennyd October 28, 2004
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One who appears to be very cheesy, either by appearance or by the chedly things they say.
Ken: Look at that guy in that that ridiculous, pimped up Honda Civic.

Paul: Christ, what a ched!
by kennyd November 13, 2003
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