10 definitions by kayleigh

A type of hat or article of clothing that you wear on your head or around your neck.
I wore the bandana on Hat Day!
by kayleigh January 30, 2004
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from the greek for garinium rivinium, meaning god of the freshly mown lawn.
god that alan titchmarsh is a gary rivenberg in human form.
by kayleigh March 8, 2005
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Alkaline Trio are a really good band...they write really good songs with great lyrics and catchy tunes, and they're really talented.
I love you all Alkaline Trio fans!
by kayleigh December 15, 2004
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Moshers are just like everyone else they just listen 2 different music and have a difference fashion sense. yes some smell but so do some scalls. Yes some are slags but so are some trendies. yes some do judge other people on wat they wear but they get judged aswell and teased for it.
for example a mosher cant walk around birkenhead without a scally kicking off on them, teasing them and chasing them! i think that moshers are very brave to put up with it all and we should not see them all as freeks. some do cut themselfs take drugs and drink themselfs stupid but dont most of us?
by kayleigh January 7, 2004
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