105 definitions by julie

cool awesome noway whoa etc.
was invented in win a date with tad hamilton
cOcoapuffz are soo friggin shigadoo!
by julie August 20, 2004
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Julie and Brandi are depressed because of their stupid old friends.
by julie September 25, 2004
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shazam + amazing, used as a descrptive word instead of awesome, amazing, great, good, or anything overused. Can also be changed into sha-fucking-mazing if it was really good.
by julie January 17, 2004
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Amber: Do you like this t.v. show?
Julie: Meh.......
by julie October 29, 2003
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1.Music not signed to a label or not signed to a major label.
2.Underground, somewhat experimental, music. (modest mouse, sigur ros, the decemberists)
3. A tribe of people, hipsters, indie kids who all try to latch onto the next hip band before their friend does.
Sonic Unyon is an indie rock label.
by julie October 14, 2003
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