295 definitions by judge dredd7

A religion that is a revival of the worship of all the gods of the ancient Greeks.
He's into Greek paganism.
by judge dredd7 July 8, 2011
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I way to say that you have a huge dick.

Because Moby Dick was a whale and whales are huge and so is your dick.
Do you have a big dick?
I'm moby.
by judge dredd7 November 14, 2012
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A movement that seeks to stop the worship and adulation of celebrities. It promotes the boycott of celebrities at social events and there movies and music ect. Some factions in the movement promote the making of a law the someone can only be the star of a movie three or four times.

And protest against celebrities and interfere with them as much as possible ect.

The main reason for this is that celebrities are no more important then anyone else and that it is elitist and that they are almost looked on as royalty and at the same time other people have to struggle for a living and have a crappy life and at the same time celebrities ignore other people and treat them as just part of the background.
by judge dredd7 May 16, 2011
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A condition where a person receives sexual gratification by setting there pubic hair on fire.
" Smells like someones burning hair in the bathroom".
"Yeah,he's got Pyropubicmania".
by judge dredd7 October 8, 2012
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The moment you reallise that you don't know something or are just learning something most everyone knows unless there retarded.
He just had a duh moment, He learned the cat is not spelled with a K.
by judge dredd7 January 24, 2012
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A saying that expresses the fact that most people are ass holes and are extremely greedy for money.
Everybody's ass hole revolves around money.
by judge dredd7 September 15, 2011
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A fart that you cannot hear and you only know it's there because you can smell it.
Whose stinker is that?
by judge dredd7 April 22, 2011
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