2 definitions by johnoneillnyc

the standard by which an established legal position progresses from "categorically false" to "I don't know" in fewer than 48 hours.
Giuliani Flop, 20 Jan 2018:

“Any suggestion — from any source — that the President counseled Michael Cohen to lie is categorically false. Michael Cohen is a convicted criminal and a liar,” Giuliani said in a statement Friday.

“I don’t know if it happened or it didn’t happen... I have no knowledge if he spoke to him.” Then a beat later, he adds that if they did discuss it, “so what?,” Giuliani said Sunday on CNN.
by johnoneillnyc January 20, 2019
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(noun) a fanatical follower of Donald J. Trump and his campaign for president. Typically irrational, always biased. Trumpanzee is a compound word borrowing from his name and the common wild chimpanzee. Trumpanzees will often be reduced to primitive mob behavior seen among troops of chimpanzees in their natural habitat. When challenged they will group together howling and shrieking. When that doesn't chase off the subject the Trumpanzees will coordinate attacks with one flank advancing while the other flank flings copious amounts of fresh poo. Rain gear, boots, gloves and a full face shield should be worn when venturing into a Trumpanzee enclosure.
Rational person #1: So I hear Donald Trump is holding a rally downtown tonight.
Rational person #2: Yeah, the streets will be teeming with Trumpanzees by 8 o'clock.
Trumpanzee streaking past: Trump!Trump!Trump!USA!USA! You're a fuckin liberal! TrumpTrumpTrump!
Rational person #2: See?

Rational person #1: Mhm.
by johnoneillnyc April 24, 2016
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