2 definitions by jimbolima

As you get older, there will be times when you are surrounded by youth. You may know some of them. You may be related to some of them. For the most part, you find then annoying. They are primarily dumb shits who don’t understand what should be obvious. One man child will stand out. He will have wisdom beyond his years. You will see this in his eyes. He will be the one who will be the link between the ages or perhaps a language barrier. This man child will help you negotiate the delicate chasm of age, culture or language. Any negotiation or deal assisted by this man child is called a willet
I was in deep shit but my nephew’s friend gave me a willet.
by jimbolima June 5, 2010
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Moncrief, in Scottish mythology and folklore, was originally a demigod, their cult being one of the most distinctive features of ancient Scottish religion. Later, Moncrief came to refer to characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self sacrifice – that is, for some greater good of all humanity, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence.
My family can be traced to the Moncrief clan.
by jimbolima June 4, 2010
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