2 definitions by jghkju7iutgrOB

the only worse insult than ya muva
"fuck you"
"fuck your muva"
(he gasps with pain at such a mighty insult)
by jghkju7iutgrOB August 12, 2005
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Nev or Neville or the stupid-fucking-dumbass-blue-bear as he is affectionately known is a puppet(oh yes he is,live with it) on the sunday kiddie show smile. He is the unimaginable low point of an already poor show. Also used to make something crap seem slightly better a phrase known as "to nev it up". Did I mention he is blue and woollen
Slightly intelectual child 1: "this pencil is blunt and pointless, like smile"

Slightly less than average intelligence child: "lets NEV IT UP!"

Shut up please

(thinks of witty comeback)


(deploys ultimate comeback)


(awkward silence)
by jghkju7iutgrOB August 12, 2005
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