19 definitions by java

1.) A term used by gods to humiliate one, or make one feel inferior to you.
2.) A word at random, just to fill in a blank space in a sentance or to shut some1 up.
Roy is a poohead when he disobeys god!
*mumble mumble* POOHEAD! *mumble*
by java February 16, 2003
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Slang/metaphor to signify friendship and levels thereof.

Diesel: Friendly
Dieselness or Dieselhood: Friendliness


0-33%: American Diesel- Below 50 Cetane (New Friend - Regular Friend)

33-66%: European Diesel- Above 50 Cetane (Regular Friend - Good Friend)

66-100%: Biodiesel- Cetane Unknown but helpful to the environment. (Good Friend - Best Friend)

100% & up: Fuel Cell (like those prototype Hydrogen Fuel Cells. In other words, if the Opposite Sex is Fuel Cell towards you, they like you more than a friend.)

Fuel Cell is Heterosexual only. Homosexual love is so different it requires its own fuel! See Solar Power.

- Never, EVER spray Diesel Fuel on a person acting gasoline towards you!

- Even though it sounds like a quick & easy fix to a friendship, it will NOT work!

- In fact, their gasolinism will worsen, or worse- their stance towards you may sink to the abyss of being Jet Fuel!!

- This is only a slang/metaphor/analogy so please keep this in mind!)

Example 1: Hey Dane, why aren't you being Diesel tonight? Oh, DGray is possessing you again?? Dane, I know you're in there somewhere, so fight him out of your body!

Example 2: So Josh, how Diesel is your girlfriend?

Josh: She's more than that; She's pretty Fuel Cell, man!

Example 3: The most important part is- you survived. That's the most diesel thing you can ever do for us.

Example 4: That guy is acting a little TOO diesel towards you! Do you think he's showing a little... ...solarity?

Example 5: While I was on the phone at a gas station, when I saw a diesel truck pass, they increased my credit limit to $750.

However, I was at this gas station that didn't serve any diesel, so when I got done refueling, I saw a car rear-end another, which is a pretty gasoline thing to happen!
by java February 9, 2005
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Flipduck - lipd = (Well, WHAT DO YOU THINK???)

Hint: One definition of the answer word means "to copulate"
Get the flipduck outta here, you C-less Castle!

Oh, flipduck! He's coming! Step on it!!

For flipduck's sake! Do you realize how Gasoline that was of you to say that?!
by java October 8, 2004
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Just say "Castle" without the "C". What word does it sound like??

It describes a person that's being jet fuel towards someone.

See 455h013.
Last year, some of the guys down on A-Wing were real C-Less Castles! I'm glad some of them moved out.

For those of you that do not know, it was the 4th Floor A-Wing at Marlatt Hall, in Kansas State University.
by java September 7, 2004
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Hostile: Gasoline

Hostility: Gasolinism


0-25%: Premium (A little hostile)

25-50%: Midgrade (Somewhat hostile)

50-75%: Regular (Pretty hostile)

75-100%: Leaded (SERIOUSLY hostile! You don't want Leaded!)

100-up%: JET FUEL! (Aahh, I'm not even gonna go there!)
Diesel powered vehicles are more friendly than Gasoline-powered ones, so that's why someone is "diesel" when they're friendly, yet "gasoline" when they're hostile. Here's why:

Diesel vehicles are known to be better in general than Gasoline-powered ones. They have:

-Longer-lasting engines

-Higher fuel mileage

-Better exhaust scent

-Pleasant sound

-Greater towing capacity

-Greater torque

Whereas Gasoline-powered vehicles:

-Guzzle more fuel

-Emit unpleasant exhaust fumes
...And you get the idea.

Did I also mention that Diesel Fuel costs less to make than Gasoline?
by java September 7, 2004
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f8 is short for "fate". F + 8 = Fate.
A snake slithers towards you and bites you in the ankle. The venom drops you to the ground in 5 seconds.

You could never scream because you don't feel any pain; the body just shuts down.

You have died of a mute f8. Sweet dreams in your permanent sleep!
by java January 24, 2005
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