17 definitions by jared l. ohlinger

Supporters of John McCain that defy logic and common sense by continuing to line up behind him like sheep...
With all we know about John McCain... those McCrackheads are certainly oblivious to little things like reality...
by jared l. ohlinger June 15, 2008
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W.A.L.D.O. is an acronym for the White American Legal Defense Organization...

W.A.L.D.O. does not currently exist nor has it ever. It is an "organization" that is meant to bring to light the hypocrisy of a nation that states it wants "equal rights for everyone"... yet divides people into separate groups when it comes time for them to get likewise treatment in a judicial setting...
There is a Latino, Black, Mexican, Asian, Jewish, Gay American Legal Defense Fund... can someone please tell me... Where's W.A.L.D.O...
by jared l. ohlinger July 14, 2009
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A reference to White House "Press" Secretary Robert Gibbs' indistinguishable resemblance to the pathetic loser cartoon character "Dilbert"...
Dilbert Gibbs was out bullshitting the press corp with more manufactured answers to preselected questions asked by members of the Progressieve Media's "Elite" Propaganda Wing...
by jared l. ohlinger July 2, 2009
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The attire worn in public by those who not only lack the motivation to get a job but are also too lazy to even get dressed in the morning before leaving their house...

It is also known as "Welfare Wear"... and is what is commonly referred to as "pajamas" when worn to bed...
I had to stop at Walmart today to pick up a couple cases of bullets and was throughly disgusted by all the trash wearing the new line of "welfwear"...
by jared l. ohlinger November 25, 2009
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Celebrities that have been enlisted by the U.S Government to keep the public eye off of what is really going on...
Paris Hilton's crotch... Britney Spears cooch... Anna Nicole Smith America's Princess Di... all government operatives...a collective Weapon of Mass Distraction (WMD) if you will...
by jared l. ohlinger July 18, 2008
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Used to describe John McCain's likely one term candidacy for President... a reference to Chuck Norris movie "Lone Wolf McQuade"...
You can only wonder what kind of hell will come from a single term of Lame Duck McCain...
by jared l. ohlinger March 11, 2008
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The true identity of the most evil cocksucker ever to inhabit the face of the earth... someone that will make all of the mistakes of the 20th century look like ant piss...
When Codename "Barack Hussein Obama II" (the purported "savior") was found out to be nothing more than a narcissistic little prick with abandonment issues named Barry Soetoro it was checkmate for The Revolution thereby thwarting the century old Progressieve Movement from achieving their end game of a Communist America...
by jared l. ohlinger July 1, 2009
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