1 definition by itsdiegowx

An amazing city in northeast Spain, home to over 700,000 people (called "maños"), which has exciting malls and a huge church (every maño is proud of it, whether they are religious or not) #ElPilarNoSeToca. We also have better parks than other cities (Parque Grande. Suck it, Madrid) and the best tram in the world (you can see the whole city inside it). If you want to have the best tapas night in Spain, come to El Tubo. It is also the windiest city in Spain, especially because of the cierzo wind. ¡Viva Zaragoza y viva El Pilar!
+Welcome to Zaragoza!
-It is a fantastic city! What metro line should I get to go to the nearest Starbucks?
+Fuck you.
by itsdiegowx January 29, 2016
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