15 definitions by it wath ich

true name of "bear", and ... if you say it one will be summoned.
Help, an arth is eating me! Oh no, here comes another one!
by it wath ich November 8, 2020
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A fanchild of the Wehrmacht, the Wehraboo views World War Two from a view objective in terms of who the morally superior side was, and simply likes the Wehrmacht out of personal preference, and may like Erwin Rommel. Some are Nazi sypathisers, but they may also hate the Nazis and believe that if Rommel or someone had overthrown Hitler in a coup, then they would've won the war and that the Nazis were responsible for Germany losing the war. They may believe might makes right, and that none were mightier than the Wehrmacht.
Wehraboo: I'm not a Nazi, Rommel should've overthrown Hitler and continued the war!
Sensible person: Oh great... a wehraboo.
by it wath ich October 8, 2020
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of or related to the YouTuber jan Misali (aka Conlang Critic).

in a style characteristic of jan Misali
The system of measurement is very Misalian. It derives from his seven Cs measurement system and counts in seximal.
by it wath ich December 3, 2021
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n. A metaphorical object posessed by those who use very verbose words to sound smart, or posh. Those who constantly borrow from other languages to sound more clever also have an inkhorn. If an person's inkhorn is said to be large, then they come up with inkhorn words more often. People with larger inkhorns will often borrow more words. It especially aplies to people who will chain affixes together to come up with new words such eruditifferous, and anything else. While traditionally people with a bit of an inkhorn would take a large number of words and phrases from french, latin, and ancient greek, today inkhorners can take bits from japanese, latin, spanish, italian, or any other language and smush them together to create large unwieldy terms.

Notes on usage:
It is to be used as a physical object in a metaphorical sense, it is not an aspect of a person's personality. As
Go back to your inkhorn!
It's time you put your inkhorn away and used real words
urban dictionary users need to get off of their inkhorns all of the time!
by it wath ich August 21, 2020
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an interjection meaning hey, listen. It is a loanword from old english used in its interjection sense, or hey, shut up, or something similar.
Hwæt! the great deku tree asked to see you.
by it wath ich September 27, 2020
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propaganda in the form of text.
The Red Army used propaganda films and plays to get around the fact that the illiterate peasants couldn't read proseaganda.
by it wath ich October 13, 2020
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