4 definitions by iron

Kruzen crashed the chopper into the ground AGAIN!
by iron January 8, 2004
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An annoying Nintendo fanboy who always uses quotes to prove his point.
"Your friend is obviously not a (Cube) fanboy if he says that the PS2 is better than the Cube. That said, was your friend disappointed by the new Zelda game, Nintendo getting the entire Resident Evil series on the Cube (especially RE4), the new Metroid games, or the DS?"
by iron January 12, 2005
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A type of CD that can be written on AND erased. Somewhat like a regular computer floppy disk.

CD-RW = CD-ReWritable
Unless that cd is a cd-rw, I can't erase what's on it.
by iron January 8, 2004
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A count of something. In this case, 21.
Man, thats a butt-load of screws.
by iron June 8, 2004
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