8 definitions by iamthelead

in bars-

to eat up space by sitting at the bar or tables and either not drink anything, or nurse the same drink for hours, thus not providing tips for the bartenders or servers
I did not make any money last night. I just had a bunch of losers camping at the bar.
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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to drink southern comfort or soco and experience something worth telling the next day, by you or someone else.
Do I have a socostory for you- Claudia had 3 shots of soco last night and ended up passed out naked at work!
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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used to defeat rock in a game
aha! my paper beat your rock!
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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used to defeat scissors in a game
aha! my rock beat your scissors!
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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used to defeat paper in a game
aha! my scissors beat your rock!
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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a person who likes a nice ass and legs
-hey dude, check out her rack...
-nah dude, i'm an arsenlegger...
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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to become a hermit; to escape reality or situations; to stay at home; to no longer be social
there's too much drama goin on when i hang out with you guys...i'm gonna hermitize
by iamthelead January 23, 2005
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