2 definitions by iamabeachwalk

The Rule Of Nick

A widely accepted social courtesy asking that a given situation, object and/or set of circumstances should be left in the state it was found in; i.e. cleaning up after oneself out of respect for those that may follow after you.
A: "Ugh, Alex made her powdered peanut butter with the Brita water and broke The Rule Of Nick again."

B: "She forgot to switch it back? What else is new..."

by iamabeachwalk March 8, 2009
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The Sad Thing

A near meeting of two parties, one enterting and one exiting a room, resulting in the first party hearing or seeing the other leave without the second party's knowledge. The disappointment that lingers in the heart of the first party usually remains until the two reconnect. This occurrence is also known as the "we just missed each other!" phenomenon.
A: "You know, ust like yesterday, I got up this morning and heard you leaving!"

B: "Aww, it was The Sad Thing again."
by iamabeachwalk March 8, 2009
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