28 definitions by honor

The mysterious inborn quantum-like power baby dykes have to project sexuality instantaneously over any distance.

Baby dyke sex rays can be transmitted in person, over the telephone, via text message, via email, regular post, or even - some would argue - thought itself. The transmission of the sex rays may be intentional or accidental on the part of the baby dyke.

Upon striking most any more mature / experienced lesbian, the sex rays have the effect of an profoundly potent aphrodesiac, and can also foster feelings of protectiveness, friendship, and love.

It should be noted that while some very few lesbians are almost completely immune, most are not, and will usually succumb to the sex rays eventually whether they want to or not.
Dyke 1: I'm going out with Jessica later.
Dyke 2: Dude... She's like 19!!
Dyke 1: I know... I know... She got me with the baby dyke sex rays!
by honor January 20, 2006
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A Guinea Pig... A vile little creature that resembles nothing so much as a rat, if that rat were designed by GM and built by AMC.
Mom: So... Would you like to get a pet?

Kid: Sure. Anything but a fat rat.

A: What -is- that smell?

B: Oh, that's my brother's fat-rats. He changes their litter about as often as he showers.
by honor July 23, 2008
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a fellow who can often be seen around the city... Particularly in the right places or with the right people. Dapper, sociable, and fashionable.
Quite the man about town, Bobby was friendly with all the right people.
by honor July 24, 2004
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To send a signal or make brief contact.

Recently from computer networking, where one computer (usually a client) will send a quick, pointless query to another computer (usually a server) in order to find out if it is still online and see how long the response takes.

Originally from the naval warfare practice of "active sonar" where one ship (usually a surface ship) will send out a given sound or "ping" in order to measure the direction and delay in the "echo" of that sound off of another body (usually a submarine.
Can we go to the movie tomorrow?
I don't know... Ping me around eight and we'll see how things are going.
by honor June 23, 2004
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The Republican policy in US politics of taking from the poor to give to the rich.. The heart and soul of just about any Republican tax cut, initiative, or fiscal policy program.
See... We'll cut medicare, medicaid, food stamps, student loans, pell grants, welfare, social security, and grants for the arts... And we'll apply those savings to a tax break for the wealthiest 1/2% of Americans... Ta-da! Reverse Robin Hood!
by honor December 24, 2005
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Something edited or taken out... Part of the original work that's gone missing in the finished product.

In the days before we had uber-cool computers, film and music had to be edited "by hand"... This involved taking actual recorded tape or developed film, cutting it to remove or insert the bit in question, and then splicing the tape or film for use. The bits cut out would end up, at least temporarily, on the cutting room floor.
Bob and Marsha were going to tell each other thier secrets before they got married... But somehow her affair with Tony ended up on the cutting room floor.
by honor July 24, 2004
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A qualifying phrase intended to illustrate that someone has done a great deal in a short time... i.e: between the hours of 9 and 12, the shorter "half" of the workday.

Used sarcastically, sort of a "that's it?" illustrator.
I've researched the Abraham case on WestLaw and Lexis, ordered new office software for the front desk, sat three new client consultations, run to the courthouse and filed our motions, and had my oil changed on the way back, all before lunch.

Sarcastically: Hey, I called the office supplies place and ordered the pens you asked for. "Wow... All that before lunch?"
by honor June 23, 2004
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