11 definitions by henry stickmin123

The word you use when you searched hentai/porn on google without incognito mode, and you dont know how to delete it.
Fuck I accidentally searched hentai without incognito mode, and I don't know how to delete it!
by henry stickmin123 December 29, 2021
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A unit of measurement (money) based of the games price.
Them: Bro I just got a $6000 PC, it's epic
You: you do realise that you could've bought 1000 sonic adventure 2s right?
Them: shit
by henry stickmin123 March 17, 2021
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someting is both not somthing and is something at the same time
bro schrödinger's theory gose like this dude, that fire is both hot and not hot until you touch it.
by henry stickmin123 December 29, 2021
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